United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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Women Participating in the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal Nepal is at a crucial, formative point in time. Following a civil war, people’s movement and overthrowing of the monarchy, it is now taking its final steps towards becoming a new secular and federal democratic republic. While this stage of political ...
SPCBN/UNDP, (2013)
New Report Shows Cultural Sensitivity Critical to Successful Development Strategies, Women's Equality The report focuses on the basic fact the international human rights framework has universal validity. Human rights express values common to all cultures and protect groups as well as individuals. The report endorses culturally sensitive approaches - ...
UNFPA, (2008)
Joined Op-ed: Time is now #Press for Progress Nepal has ingrained traditions and seats of power that are occupied by the same sectors of society. But the shift following the promulgation of the constitution to historic elections is showing that society is rethinking and redefining what it means ...
UNRCO, (2018)